Artistic Treasures of the University of Genoa

Artistic Treasures of the University of Genoa       
Artistic Treasures of the University of Genoa           

a cura di Giacomo Montanari           
dicembre 2023           
collana Genuense Athenaeum           
linea editoriale Divulgazione           
area tematica Umanistica           
area disciplinare Scienze dell'Antichità, Filologico-Letterarie e Storico-Artistiche   
130 pagine           
ISBN 978-88-3618-246-6 | € 20,00            
e-ISBN (pdf) 978-88-3618-247-3 | open access           

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Il libro

The University of Genoa, rooted in the heart of the city in the building designated in 1634 as the College of the Society of Jesus, has reinforced its presence among sites of great historical importance. The acquisition of Palazzo Balbi Senarega in 1972 was the prelude to the attainments of Palazzo Balbi Cattaneo, Palazzo Rebuffo Serra and Palazzo Belimbau, while since the post-war period the Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso has been destined for the University and, at the end of the 20th century, the great project for the reuse and restoration of the Albergo dei Poveri was in progress. An added value for students of all disciplines, from engineers to humanists, who are exposed to the extraordinary historical and artistic testimony of the monumental heritage during their studies at all levels. A value that is shared with the city, as many of these areas have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2006, within the site Genova: Le Strade Nuove and the Sistema dei Palazzi dei Rolli.

Curato da

Giacomo Montanari is Researcher in History of Modern Art at the University of Genoa. His research interests range from the relationship between libraries and artistic production, to themes of Baroque painting and sculpture, related in particular to Giovanni Andrea Carlone, Tomaso Orsolino and Ercole Ferrata. He is Professor of Scientific Dissemination and Didactics of the Artistic Heritage and Scientific Curator of the initiatives for the valorisation of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Genova: le Strade Nuove and the Sistema dei Palazzi dei Rolli, and in particular the Rolli Days.          

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Ultimo aggiornamento 23 Luglio 2024