Asylum and resettlement in Canada

Asylum and resettlement in Canada 
Asylum and resettlement in Canada   
Historical development, successes, challenges and lessons   

a cura di Ervis Martani e Denise Helly   
dicembre 2022   
collana Immagin-azioni sociali   
linea editoriale Ricerca    
area tematica Scienze Sociali   
area disciplinare Scienze Politiche e Sociali 
304 pagine   
e-ISBN (pdf) 978-88-3618-194-0 | open access   

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Il libro

By the year 2020, there were more than 280 million international migrants across the globe. Of this figure, 26.4 million were refugees, who have fled for a variety of reasons, including persecution, violence and human rights violations. Canada is considered the world leader in the protection of refugees. Notwithstanding this generally positive perception, the Canadian protection system exhibits a series of deficiencies, ranging from detention policies and deportation in the case of asylum seekers, down to the integration obstacles and other associated challenges encountered by resettled refugees. In addition, other challenges including violence, vulnerability, denial of rights, and growing hostility toward migrants and refugees undermine the overall health and image of the system.

Curato da

Ervis Martani is researcher at Università di Genova, Italy. From October 2019 to September 2021 he was postdoctoral fellow (Marie Skłodowska-Curie) at Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada. From May 2016 to September 2019, he was the chair holder of the UNESCO Chair in «Multiculturalism, Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights in the Balkans». Ervis Martani’s research works mostly focus on refugee integration, intercultural dialogue, human rights and minority rights.   

Denise Helly is full professor at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), in Montreal, Quebec. Her publications include 11 books and a large body of articles on topics ranging from Chinese minorities in Canada to Canadian multiculturalism, Quebec’s policy towards minorities, and Islamophobia. Her ongoing research interests include the recognition of Muslims in Canada, anti-hate crime legislation, the private sponsorship program in Canada, and Canadian far-right groups.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2 Luglio 2024