a cura di Amleto De Santanna, Fabio Ghiotto, Alessandro Moretta
traduzioni di Martina Santi
supervisione linguistica di Ilaria Rizzato
aprile 2023
Fuori collana
linea editoriale Didattica
area tematica Biologico-Medica
area disciplinare Scienze Biologiche
e-ISBN (epub) 978-88-3618-214-5 | open access
Per accedere all'e-book (epub) di Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Il libro
The Atlas of Histology was created in 2011, in the form of a WEB site, to provide students with the possibility to consolidate what they learned, during the laboratory activity with the microscope, about the histological characteristics of different tissues. It consists of five chapters, the first describing staining methods and the next four dealing with tissues. This new version presents more than 500 images obtained from specimens on record. Different staining methods were used to highlight each specific characteristic of the tissue. For better didactic efficacy, several images are graphically annotated; in those cases where the additional graphic part is overwhelming, the same image is reproduced without annotations.
For a better access and consultation of the content using a tablet the ePub "Atlas of Histology" has been divided into four separately downloadable files:
- Part 1. Stainings
- Part 2. The tissues: epithelial tissue
- Part 3. The tissues: connective tissue
- Part 4. The tissues: muscle and nervous tissue
Curato da
Amleto De Santanna (1956-2022) worked for forty years in the field of Histology, initially at the University of Bari and later at the University of Genoa. He was mentored from E. Giovenzana, G. De Metrio, M. Rizzotti, R. Amprino, S. Bombardieri, C.E. Grossi.
Fabio Ghiotto teaches Human Anatomy at the University of Genoa. Much of his scientific activity is devoted to the study of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Alessandro Moretta (1953-2018) was Full Professor of Histology at the University of Genoa. Research in the field of immunology over the past three decades has seen him as the protagonist of crucial discoveries such as that of NK receptors.