IDEA. Innovation Design Application - 2024

IDEA. Innovation Design Application - 2024    
Innovation Design Application   
2024 edition   

a cura di Gaia Leandri   
prefazione di Angelo Schenone   
marzo 2024   
collana Full Papers   
linea editoriale Ricerca   
area tematica Tecnologica, Biologico-Medica   
area disciplinare Ingegneria Civile ed Architettura  
266 pagine   
e-ISBN (pdf) 978-88-3618-261-9 | open access    

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Il libro

The second IDEA 24 symposium aims to establish a connection between the disciplines of creative design and scientific research, with a focus on the automation of the creative process and artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary contributions were grouped according to three major areas: design, innovation, and application, covering topics such as mental imagery, robotics, naval design, theatrical representation and the new challenges of education in the era of technology.

Curato da

Gaia Leandri has a double international Ph.D. in Architecture and Neuroscience at the Polytechnic of Valencia and the University of Genoa. She is a research fellow at the Department of Architecture and Design at the University of Genoa. Her research focuses on neurophysiological determinants of creativity, digital representation and historical graphic reconstructions.

Ultimo aggiornamento 28 Giugno 2024