Thunderstorm Outflows and their Impact on Structures

Thunderstorm Outflows and their Impact on Structures
Thunderstorm Outflows and their Impact on Structures 

a cura di Maria Pia Repetto e Massimiliano Burlando 
marzo 2023 
Fuori collana  
serie RICERCA  
area tematica Tecnologica 
132 pagine 
e-ISBN (pdf) 978-88-3618-210-7 | open access 

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Il libro

THUNDERR is a European project funded to Prof. Giovanni Solari by an ERC Advanced Grant in 2016. Prof. Solari deeply loved both teaching and research, hence he believed the organization of an International Advanced School was the opportunity to explain to young scholars the most recent research advances. This publication collects the experience of the leading international experts in this field of wind engineering through a series of lectures on the state of the art, and brings a vision on the new frontiers of research through the presentations of 23 young researchers who met together to compare with each other and debate constructively on the theme of thunderstorms and their impact on the built environment.

Curato da

Maria Pia Repetto is professor of structural engineering at the University of Genoa. She is the author of over 125 scientific publications on the impact of wind on structures and infrastructures. She was awarded the Junior Award 2011 from the International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE) and the Raymond C. Reese Research Prize 2014 from the American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE-SEI). 

Massimiliano Burlando is professor of atmospheric physics at the University of Genoa. For over 20 years he has been studying the wind using both an experimental and numerical approach for application purposes in the fields of meteorology, wind engineering and wind energy. On these issues he is the author of more than 100 scientific publications.

Ultimo aggiornamento 13 Febbraio 2024