Visuality: a crossroad between humanities and technologies

Visuality: a crossroad between humanities and technologies   
Visuality: a crossroad between humanities and technologies   

a cura di Gualtiero Volpe   
luglio 2024   
collana Visualità    
linea editoriale Ricerca   
area tematica Tecnologica, Scienze Sociali, Umanistica, Biologico-Medica, Scientifica   
area disciplinare Ingegneria Civile ed Architettura   
150 pagine   
e-ISBN (pdf) 978-88-3618-262-6 | open access   

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Il libro

Since a few decades, we witness an increasing interaction between humanities and technology. Such interaction has led to maturing the awareness of how a synergy between these areas of knowledge can bring a significant progress in both fields. Visuality research can benefit in a special way from such a contamination of knowledge. This book consists of a selection of contributions taken from those presented in occasion of the 2nd Seminal Day of the Interdepartmental Center on Visuality (ciVIS) of University of Genoa, Italy. The event was held in February 2022 and was specifically dedicated to the interactions between humanities and technology in visuality research. Contributions span theoretical, foundational, and methodological aspects as well as provide examples of real-world applications.

Curato da

Gualtiero Volpe is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS) of University of Genoa, Italy. His research interests include intelligent and affective human-machine interaction, social signal processing, sound and music computing, analysis and modeling of expressive content, and multimodal systems. A key aspect of his work consists of taking inspiration from arts and humanities for designing multisensory technologies.

Ultimo aggiornamento 26 Luglio 2024