tackling inequalities and building capacities
di Emilio Di Maria
giugno 2019
collana Percorsi di salute - Health pathways
linea editoriale Ricerca
area tematica Biologico-Medica
area disciplinare Scienze Politiche e Sociali
205 pagine
ISBN 978-88-94943-50-4 | € 20,00
e-ISBN (pdf) 978-88-94943-51-1 | open access
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The Mediterranean has been – and is, to date – a battlefield for hope and despair, solidarity and segregation, knowledge and prejudice. The differences in ancestry, culture and heritage brought by the stream of refugees from Africa and Middle East, far from being sources of growth, are cause of conflict. While the principle of health right is repeatedly stated, the presence of striking inequalities in health status, healthcare and health promotion is dramatically apparent.
This co-operative volume is based on a workshop which was focussed on one key question: what are the key actions to tackle health inequalities and improve health for people living on or moving across the Mediterranean?
The current situation regarding health and healthcare in the Mediterranean area was explored by applying the lenses of global health and public health. By the mean of a multidisciplinary discussion, the respective responsibilities for national and international agencies emerged, along with the role for lay organisations, decision makers and citizens.
Scritto da
Emilio Di Maria (MD, PhD) is a medical geneticist at the Department of Health Sciences, University of Genoa, Italy; visiting professor in Universities in North Africa and Middle East.
His work in medical genetics has been regularly integrated with the implications of public health and technology transfer. Since the early 1990s he has been involved in a network of organisations committed to ensure health right and healthcare for migrant persons.