La Mortola (IM), Liguria, Nw Italy
di Alessandro Guiggi
maggio 2016
collana Botanica
linea editoriale Ricerca
area tematica Biologico-Medica, Scientifica
area disciplinare Scienze Biologiche
250 pagine
ISBN 978-88-97752-65-3 | € 15,00
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Il libro
The present annotated catalogue is the first scientific research published on the Cactaceae of the Hanbury Botanical Gardens after Alwin Berger, curator at La Mortola (1897-1914) and one of the most renowned succulent specialists of the beginning of the 20Th century. An introduction to new thematic collections and a well documented revisional study, with three new genera and seven new combinations contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the Hanbury collection of succulents and the gardens themselves. 60 genera and 169 species here illustrated increase the role of the Hanbury collection as one of the most important collectionsof sothern Europe
Scritto da
Alessandro Guiggi is a botanist specializing in the cactus family, explorer of the American deserts and editor of a personal bulletin, Cactology. He has collaborated with important scientific institutions including the Huntington Botanical Gardens, University of Mexico City (UNAM), and Jardin Exotique of Monaco. He is currently a PhD researcher of the Genoa University at the Hanbury Botanical Gardens with a project on the succulents plants.